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Many internet sessions either begin with or involve a web search, and this makes search results pages some of the most viewed pages on the entire internet. Most people only view the handful of results at the top. If your website is one of them, it can drive a lot of traffic your way.
One way to make sure that your site is up there is to use Pay-Per-Click advertising. This can be an extremely effective marketing tool when managed properly, but when it’s not it can result in a lot of wasted money. Here are the three essential elements that make a PPC campaign successful.
1. Goal setting
With PPC, you pay a fee each time somebody clicks through to your website from the search results page. You need to know whether those clicks-through are helping your business, otherwise you will burn through your budget with nothing to show for it. Take time to define what you want to achieve with your campaign. This is the first step when you contact King Kong or other PPC management agencies, and it should be your first step if you’re doing it in-house, too.
Set out what increase you expect to see, and the length of time it should take. When your campaign is active, clear goals will help you see whether it’s working.
2. Target audience
The idea of PPC advertising is that you can target people who are very likely to be interested in buying what you’re offering. This means you need less ad space, which should save you money. But it only works if you have a good idea who those people are.
A useful exercise is to create personas of your ideal customers, like you are creating a character for a story. How old are they? What do they do? What problems do they have? How do they spend their time? Etc.
3. Keyword research
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