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Social media is expanding the use of acronyms and “slang” words that are easy to understand and quick to text. PMO has been gaining a lot of traction recently. If you are an avid texter or use Instagram to send direct messages, you may have heard phrases like TTM and HMU.
But what does PMO mean, and why is it becoming such a popular slang across Instagram and Snapchat? If you need clarification, get around with a pen and paper because we will be spilling all the beans.
From explaining what PMO means to showcasing how to use it in a conversation, we will explore all the details in this article.
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What is PMO?
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Surprisingly, PMO has two distinct meanings when used as an acronym in a conversation on Instagram or Snapchat.
Firstly, it usually translates to “Put me on,” which depicts how someone got hooked to some activity or thing. Conversely, people also use it to denote “Pisses me off,” which depicts annoyance in a person or a situation.
Technically, due to its dual meaning, you might wonder, “Won’t I be confused?” Well, understanding the tone and context of a conversation’s use of PMO should enable you to figure out how PMO is being used in the first place.
How do You Use PMO in a Conversation?
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Now that you clearly understand what PMO stands for, this acronym’s dual nature leaves many people n... Read More
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